strategist. collaborator.
human centered designer.

I am a User Experience (UX) design professional who thrives in a forward thinking environment where new –  sometimes radically new – ideas are welcomed and encouraged.


I started out as a graphical user interface developer.

As a software developer, I enjoyed the challenges of technology and writing code. I loved solving hairy problems and was confident in my abilities, but was sadly disconnected from users.

I had the fortunate opportunity to participate in a site visit and quickly observed that software both helped and hindered users. Post-it notes on screens and constant interruptions contributed to a chaos that made daily work much more challenging.

These visits were a wake-up call for me and I came to realize that I cared more deeply and felt more passionately about the overall experience of using software in the real world than I did about writing elegant code.

I decided in that moment to change my career trajectory and havenā€™t looked back.

Now I craft experiences with the user at the center of the conversation.

With extensive experience in the UX field as a mentor, motivator, and user evangelist, I energize and drive teams willing to think outside the box while keeping user needs front and center. I get people excited about new possibilities and lead teams to functional, innovative solutions using proven design tools and methods.

I practice a human-centered design methodology, participating in focus groups as well as conducting site visits (contextual inquiry) to gain a deeper understanding of users and their needs. I have extensive experience in usability engineering, as well as conducting tests to help validate design ideas in the lab.

I guide teams to deliver experiences that work and am not afraid to rock the boat.

I care deeply about using technology to both empower and delight users, and strongly advocate against poorly designed experiences that frustrate, annoy, or confuse. I work with teams to ideate and produce meaningful design concepts to not only illustrate future product design ideas, but result in concrete design deliverables that can be incorporated seamlessly into the product development pipeline.


Led Ux design activities for connected oral healthcare mobile app platform while working closely with external design agencies as well as marketing, communications design, hardware and research teams across the globe as part of human centered design process. More…


Owned overarching design time user experience strategy for SAP NetWeaver tools; mentoring user experience design teams as well as working closely with multiple development teams across the globe. 


Architected innovative “user first” experience allowing direct runtime customization by an end user of a data bound user interface as part of a new product line of productivity tools.


Responsible for driving design and development schedule of major features; coordinating with key stakeholders both within product division and outside product units as well as with partner companies, marketing, business development and worldwide subsidiaries to build a set of tightly integrated features for all eight languages of Visual Studio .NET Integrated Development Environment.

Uncompromising about creating great products. Rational yet inventive. Devoted to his team.

Michael Cytrynowicz User Experience Designer / Respond Software

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I keep the user in the room.

Users are inspiring. Putting a design in front of the user, watching them ā€œgetā€ it (or not), and learning from their insights is where magic in design happens. Itā€™s critical to understand why something is designed the way it is and encourage teams to make choices backed by clear rationale based on human centered design thinking. I fundamentally believe that the user is at the center of the interaction, with the system and underlying technology as supporting players.


Established overall design methodology to guide human centered design activities in newly established innovation studio. More…


Crafted ā€œVisual Narrativesā€ for purpose of collaborative re-imagining of omni-channel customer decision journey. More…


Led “out of box” ideation activities to drive future design direction of product suite across web, mobile, and desktop.


Coordinated overall design process from concept development, task analysis and contextual user studies through low and high-fidelity prototyping culminating in functional and user interface specification while employing a scenario-based, human centered design process. of those rare designers with a passion for customers, and a commitment to doing it right.

Michael Callahan Leading through disruption and change to deliver transformation and success.

I ā€œspeak codeā€ on usersā€™ behalf.

My core design strengths center around defining the aesthetic, underlying interaction, and overall user model of a software product. I am acutely focused on the details of not only the visual and interactive aspects of a software user experience but also and most importantly, the impact of a design on users.

Across my career, I have established myself as an expert in the field with a deep knowledge of platform specific standards and guidelines. I also have extensive experience collaborating with end users and development teams across the globe.

With a wealth of technical knowledge and a background in software development, I am able to challenge implementation or technology constraints in order to ensure timely delivery of seamless, consistent designs that people love.

Extremely strong interaction design skills coupled with technical abilities - potent combination that comes from intelligence and experience earned through hard work.

Paolo Malabuyo Director of User Experience at Google & Adjunct Professor at Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley

My work is consistently guided by a set of human-centered design principles.

Start with what works

Many well understood design patterns exist today
Leverage where it makes sense, innovate when needed

Always reflect the true story

Conduct research of the real world
Understand deeply the needs of users and be their advocate

Design for adaptability and change

Needs change as technology and expertise change
Experiences that fit expectations are readily accepted and those that donā€™t are easily rejected

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